AV for Healthcare Industries

June 11, 2021

AV for Healthcare Industries

Chances are when you think of AV, the healthcare industry likely isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But, believe it or not, there are many exciting technologies that are changing the field of medicine for patients, providers and students. Keep reading to learn more about what’s new and how Immedia is providing solutions across various applications.


If you hadn’t had a virtual doctor visit before March 2020, you probably have by now. Pre-pandemic, teledoc appointments were only available within some markets and some healthcare systems. Today nearly all providers have an option for meeting with your doctor remotely when being in the same room isn’t possible.

When it comes to making the most of these e-health appointments, there are several key audiovisual-related considerations from monitor and camera quality to security and privacy during video conferencing. Immedia has partnered with several provider networks to upgrade equipment and offer remote monitoring so that patients and caregivers can focus on communication without having to worry about connectivity and hardware issues.

Simulation (Sim) Labs

It’s an understatement to say that it takes a lot of schooling to become a physician. With advancements in AV technology students can now take advantage of so many more opportunities for learning and training.

Sim labs provide a chance to gain hands-on experience before even stepping foot into an operating room or medical center. These simulated spaces are designed and outfitted with high-tech clinical tools and manikin patients allowing students to practice in realistic environments without any risk of harm. Additionally, actual surgeries can be live-streamed back to the classroom for observation of real-time procedures.

We’ve already been a part of several university sim lab builds with more on the horizon. These are definitely the future of medical education.

Digital Signage

Lobbies, waiting areas and treatment rooms are the perfect places to display facility information, health tips, awareness messages, emergency notifications and/or promote other services. We are masters at integrating systems and selecting signage equipment that maximize the patient experience. Plus, with ImmediaStudios we even create content to communicate the message.

If you’re in the healthcare sector and are curious how we can help bring your office or larger facility up-to-speed with the current trends, please reach out. We’d love to talk vision and options.


Matt Yenter – Director of Sales, Immedia Integrated Technologies

Matt Clist – Sr Account Executive, Immedia Integrated Technologies